With CNN and Washington Post headlines promoting Tik Tokvideos as viral sensations, marketers have found another goldmine with thepotential of generating solid engagement. And as it’s not linked to Facebook,Google or Amazon it can be frustrating for ad tracking but at the same time,interesting for budget diversification. Some brands have already experimentedwith running influential campaigns on Tik Tok. For example, the fashion brandGuess collaborated with Tik Tok and launched the campaign called “#InMyDenim”,which became viral in Tik Tok. Another example is Universal Pictures, whichused Tik Tok to promote “The House with a Clock in its Walls” by means ofworking with popular users such as Gabby Murray, Rebecca Zamoloy Chris Kerr andSharla May of “Our Fire” before the movie’s September release. For the mostpart, brands and influencers themselves orchestrate these partnerships. Tik Tokhas been preparing to work more with companies and media agencies in theupcoming months.+
In 2017, Musical.ly signed content partnerships Germany Email List withNBCUniversal, Viacom and Hearst. Brands can explore their business bycollaborating with Tik Tok or Tik Tok influencers. The #HashtagChallenges turnusers into brand content creators Other of the most commonly used ways toadvertise on Tik Tok is through the so-called hashtag challenges. This is aneffective source to reach millions of consumers. #HashtagChallenge is a gamestyle ad format where brands challenge Tik Tok users to create videos inspiredby the brand’s initial video. Videos are not polished products in any way, butthat is what makes Tik Tok so attractive. There are no sponsored ads; manyusers organically replicate the hashtag challenges launched by the app itselfor other brands.

The individual or brand that launches the challenge createsa video with a specific hashtag, chooses a song to go along with it, and thenchallenges users to create their own version. There is a full hashtag categorywithin the search function that you can use to inspire you. Tik Tok plans toadopt the most advanced features to also attract more audiences and globalbrands. It is the best option for brands to advertise on Tik Tok at anaffordable price. You can use advertising on Tik Tok almost like in any othersocial media. Over time, this app will surely advance and introduce differentkinds of advertising. What is clear now is that, whatever way it is, toadvertise on Tik Tok is undoubtedly a way to get profitability for yourcampaigns. Video advertising is a powerful way to generate an emotionalconnection between potential customer and brand. If you don’t know how tocreate the best video strategies, we are here for you.